Study of Religions

(Minor 60)

Degree program: Bachelor of Science Faculty of Science

General description

The Bachelor's degree program in Religious Studies as a minor program of study is designed as a wide-ranging scholarly introduction to the historical and contemporary relationships between religion, culture, and society. The core curriculum for this program at the University of Zurich is divided into three pillars that complement one another in terms of methodology and subject matter.
These pillars involve the study of religions from a historical-comparative, social science , and systematic-theoretical perspective. Here, basic courses impart knowledge of various religious traditions, while proseminars offer an introduction to the theories and methods employed in the study of religions.
Lectures and seminars address the transformation of the meaning and function of religion throughout history and in the present day. The historical dynamics of religious history, alternative forms of religion, and the interaction between religion and society are covered as well. The Bachelor's degree program in Religious Studies as a minor program of study can be combined with a major program of study offered by the Faculty of Theology or another faculty.

Admission requirements

For general Informations on Application see:; More Informations in regulations and admission requirements of the program of study.

Branch of studies

Science of Religion

ECTS credits

60 ECTS Credits

Major/minor subject combinations

A minor in Religious Studies can basically be combined with any major program of study at the University of Zurich (exception: major program in Religious Studies).