Biblical Studies

(Minor 60)

Degree program: Bachelor of Arts (RVO19)

General description

The Bachelor's degree program in Biblical Studies as a minor program of study offers an introduction to the literary, religious, and theological history of the Bible within the context of antiquity. The program, which consists of 60 ECTS credits, provides basic knowledge on the methodologies employed for scholarly interpretations of the Bible. It also addresses the content, structure and genesis of the Bible, the manner in which such texts were passed down through the ages, and the impact biblical texts have had throughout history. The program enables participants to study the Bible from a historically enlightened and critical perspective, and also includes instruction in the biblical languages of Ancient Hebrew and Ancient Greek.

Admission requirements

For general Informations on Application see:; More Informations in regulations and admission requirements of the program of study.

Branch of studies


ECTS credits

60 ECTS Credits

Major/minor subject combinations

A minor in Biblical Studies can basically be combined with any major study program at the University of Zurich (exception: major program in Theology 120 ECTS credits).