Chiropractic Medicine

(Single Major 180)

Degree program: Master of Chiropractic Medicine

General description

The Master's degree program in Chiropractic Medicine fulfills the education outcomes as defined in the Swiss Medical Professions Act.
Graduates of the Master's degree program in Chiropractic Medicine have acquired the skills necessary to provide outstanding primary chiropractic care while upholding ethical standards and considering economic factors. They are furthermore committed to introducing preventive and health-promoting measures in their professions, and can recognize clinical symptoms related to other medical fields. The Master's degree program lasts three years and comprises 180 ECTS credits. Successful completion qualifies graduates to take the Swiss Federal Examination in Chiropractic Medicine (Eidgenössische Prüfung Chiropraktik).

Admission requirements

For general Informations on Application see:; More Informations in regulations and admission requirements of the program of study.

Branch of studies

Human medicine

Specific requirements

Bedingungen für den Studieneintritt in den spezialisierten Masterstudiengang Master of Chiropractic:

Bachelor of Medicine
Schwerpunkt Chiropractic
falls mehr als 20 Bewerberinnen / Bewerber mit gemäss a) u. b) erfüllten Kriterien: Notendurchschnitt aus dem Schwerpunkt Chiropractic
Für allfällige Studienortwechsler, die einen BA Med ohne Schwerpunkt Chiropraktik von anderen Schweizer Fakultäten vorweisen können, besteht die Möglichkeit, die Anforderungen aus dem Schwerpunkt Chiropraktik nachzuholen.
Die Bologna Reform sieht dafür die sogenannte Mastervorbereitungsphase vor; diese darf max. 6 Semester betragen.

ECTS credits

180 ECTS Credits
The Master study course comprises 180 ECTS-Credits.


Master of Chiropractic Medicine (M Chiro Med UZH)

Language of instruction
