
(Major 120)

Degree program: Bachelor of Arts (RVO19)

General description

The major in Sinology provides general knowledge of China, an introduction to relevant theories, methodologies, and tools related to the discipline, and a fundamental knowledge of various specialist areas, such as the literature, language, history, society, philosophy, or religions of China. Those graduating from the program have solid reading skills in the modern and classical written language, a mastery of spoken standard Chinese, the ability to write simple texts in Chinese, initial experience in working with scholarly sources (secondary sources and primary sources in translation), expertise in critically contextualizing information in relation to China, and general skills in addressing, presenting, and communicating complex issues. Thanks to the personal and social skills and experience in relation to China acquired during the program, those completing the program are able to skilfully navigate one of Asia’s largest cultural and economic regions.

Admission requirements

For general Informations on Application see:; More Informations in regulations and admission requirements of the program of study.

Branch of studies

East Asian studies

ECTS credits

120 ECTS Credits


Bachelor of Arts UZH

Language of instruction
