
(Major 90)

Das Masterprogramm in Biodiversität startet im HS24

Studiengang: Master of Science
Fakultät (120) (2021)

Allgemeine Beschreibung

Passionate about environmental research and conservation? The Master’s Program in Biodiversity offers students the opportunity to acquire specialized knowledge in the field of biodiversity research, with a strong emphasis on ecology and evolutionary biology, as well as related fields. Building on a solid foundation in fundamental natural sciences, students will acquire the expertise necessary to address environmental challenges that hold both scientific and societal significance on a global scale. Graduates of this program will be well-prepared to conduct independent scientific research, from project planning to execution, and to proficiently communicate their findings to expert audiences through scientific publications.
Core Principles:
Biodiversity is a multifaceted domain, bridging the study of life's variety, the intricate dynamics between living organisms and their environments, and the evolutionary processes that have shaped life on Earth. Our programme delivers an in-depth education in biodiversity by merging theoretical underpinnings, a variety of methodological approaches, and tangible applications of ecological and evolutionary research. Students develop expertise across various scientific fields, such as genetics, biostatistics, and conservation biology, to meet the challenges in biodiversity conservation. With this comprehensive skill set, they are well-prepared to undertake robust ecological and evolutionary research and to inform conservation strategies with robust scientific insight.


Candidates with a Bachelor's degree in Biodiversity or Biology from UZH's Faculty of Science are eligible for the MSc in Biodiversity program. Equivalent qualifications from Swiss and international universities are also recognised.
Conditions or additional requirements may be applied by the faculty based on academic merit.


Biologie, Umweltwissenschaften


MSc in Biodiversity graduates exhibit a versatile skill set, enabling them to understand and articulate the scientific underpinnings of both global and local biodiversity and environmental science issues. They independently conduct research in fields like biodiversity science, ecology, evolutionary biology, behavioural biology, and environmental science. Graduates employ interdisciplinary perspectives, incorporating insights also from the social sciences. They excel in collecting, evaluating, and interpreting data independently, critically scrutinising the validity and reliability of their own and others' data and methods. With these skills, graduates are well-positioned for success in academic and non-academic sectors.


Job opportunities are available in institutions actively involved in biodiversity-related activities. Various sectors provide potential job positions, including nature conservation organizations, zoos, museums, environmental consulting firms, public administrations like BAFU, Grün Stadt Zürich, cantonal departments, and research institutions such as WSL, EAWAG, Agroscope, Vogelwarte. Opportunities also exist in national and international private sector companies.

ECTS Credits

90 ECTS Credits


The Biodiversity mono study program, accredited with 90 ECTS credits, spans three semesters of full-time studies. The curriculum is structured around specialized lectures, block courses, a Master's thesis, optional project work, colloquia, and seminars. These components are tailored to each student through individually adapted "learning agreements," a collaborative process facilitated by the Master's coordinators. For more details, please refer to:


In der Regel wird das Masterstudium vollzeitlich absolviert. Ausnahmen müssen im Voraus beantragt und von der
Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät bewilligt werden.


Das Studienprogramm Biodiversität 90 auf Masterstufe kann als Mono-Studienprogramm belegt werden oder mit einem Minor-Studienprogramm 30 auf Masterstufe kombiniert werden.


Jedes Modul wird mit einer Leistungsüberprüfung abgeschlossen. Die Benotung der Leistungen erfolgt auf einer Skala von 1 bis 6, wobei 6 die beste, 1 die schlechteste Leistung bezeichnet. Noten unter 4 stehen für ungenügende Leistungen.
Leistungen können auch mit 'bestanden' / 'nicht bestanden' bewertet werden.

